Features of Refurbished JUKI FX-3RA Modular SMT Chip Shooter
1. Class leading speed, up to 42,000 cph.
2. 0201* ~ 74mm×74mm / 50mm×150mm.
3. Wide component range.
4. Optimum line
Features of Refurbished High Speed JUKI KE2060 Pick en Plaats Machine
1. The ultra-flexible KE-2060 can place a wide range of components from 0603 and ICs, to odd-form, all at a high rate of speed.
Features of JUKI RX-7R SMT modulaire chipmounter High-speed plaatsing
JUKI new pick and place machine high speed compact modular SMT mounter JUKI RX-7R, JUKI RS-1R, for SMT production line.
Features of JUKI RS-1R_Next Generation Smart Fast Modular Mounter
JUKI RS-1R is one of the new models of the JUKI Pick and Place Pachine, JUKI RS-1R smart modular mounter SMT Placement, JUKI SMT mounter, JUK